Proven approaches to realise results
Within our Operations service area, we offer three key services; Business Design, Business Transformation and Cost Reduction. With deep expertise Field Service Management.
Articulate your operating model and future way of working to realise your strategy to answer the following types of questions:
What is the right operating model to deliver our strategy?
Why is a particular business area under performing?
What performance metrics do we need to get ahead of the curve?
How do we improve utilisation or cycle times?
What is the ‘best’ org structure?
Working with you to realise your future business strategy through implementing operating model changes such as:
Organisational structure.
Performance dashboards, KPIs and leading indicators.
Discreet or wholesale process changes.
New technologies or configuration of existing technologies.
Workforce management strategy, planning and right-sizing.
Tactical and sustainable cost improvement to answer the following types of questions:
What can we do without?
What resource pools can be risk appropriately right-sized in the short and medium term?
How can we balance cost control with customer/client service?
How do we sustain existing cost-reduction measures?
How do we establish and instil a cost-conscious culture?